Merry Christmas!!!!!
It's been so long since my first post so I thought I should post today since I have a spare moment. I wish I could say I have something profound to say. But at the moment I do not.
I'm just really grateful for my wonderful family, especially my sweetheart - Andrew. He means the world to me! He is the world's best husband and I am humbled by the fact that out of all the righteous, beautiful, talented, amazing women in the world - he chose me to be his wife.
We are blessed to have everything we need - LOVE, good jobs, a home, and all of our other needs met. We didn't have anything on our Christmas lists this year.
But I wanted to get Andrew something special that he would never buy for himself. So, I did tons of research, scanning tons of ads and asking anyone and everyone which retailer was going to have the best Black Friday sale on video game consoles. Then, came the trickiest part of all - I had to find out without giving away the surprise which console he'd prefer: the PS3 or the XBox 360. I did it though without being found out. It was unbelievably hard. But I did it. After work on Black Friday I went out and got him the PS3. But then, I didn't know where to hide it or how to get it into our apartment without being found out. So, I decided to give it to him early. After all, he deserved it. So, I called him when I got home from the parking lot and said that I needed help with carrying up some groceries. When he got to the car I told him the truth. I made him close his eyes and open the door. (It was kind of like opening a present, right?) He was really surprised and excited. He'd wanted one for a few years, but even though we could probably afford one he didn't want to spring for it. So, I saved up some money from a bonus check and it was well worth it just to see the look on his face!
However, not to be outdone, a few weeks later while we were watching tv a sappy jewelry commercial came on as they frequently do this time of year. I started making comments and oohing and ahhing. Then, Andrew left the room and came back with a small blue box with a bow on it and handed it to me.
The above diamond necklace was what was in the box. It really melted my heart.
I don't know how he knew but it was the best material Christmas gift I could have gotten from him this year! I've always wanted a diamond necklace! It's beautiful and it's perfect! I couldn't have picked a better one myself! He has such good taste! If I'm not mistaken, I believe the credit has to go to Suk, but I'm sure Angela probably gets some of it too!