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I don't remember the last time I was excited about a $50 paycheck, but I was sooooo excited to get this in the mail yesterday! I wasn't expecting it because the bulk of my January sales was for a party I did at the very end of the month and I didn't get the order placed until after the 10pm pst cutoff on January 31st. So, they became part of my February sales. Now, just to be clear I made a lot more than $50 last month, but this is just the comission paid to me by the company. This does not include orders that people have me order at my 35% - 85%discount and then pay (directly to me in cash or check) the retail price. One day, I made $100 just off of the sale of two products because the lady wanted to pay retail instead of signing up to be a preferred client and getting a 20% discount.
My 'Lil Sis is the BEST! She totally ROCKS! I talked to her yesterday and she mentioned that she had sent out our Christmas package on Friday. Arg! She beat this year! Ours have yet to be sent! Although, the first draft of our Christmas letter is ready to be printed. Unfortunately, it still says I work for Wells Fargo. I keep thinking of changing it into a Valentine's Day letter. At least, that deadline hasn't passed us by...yet. But, the 2010 Christmas letter was so beautiful! It's really the nicest one we've ever done! These are the types of quandaries that befall the Boise Grey household.My sister said the package wasn't "anything special".
Well, I'd like to publicly declare that my 'Lil Sis is a LIAR!
Below are pictures of what the package contained.
Above is a ceramic bowl she made with a cool looking glaze. She's an artist. So, she actually, MADE the bowl, not just put glaze on it and had someone fire it like at those pottery places you can go to!
She also included 2 tins of Tim Hortons Hot Chocolate! For those who are not "in the know" Tim Horton was a famous Canadian Hockey player who started up a great chain of donut shops in Canada. You can now find a few Tim Hortons in the 'States as we, Americans have put our pride aside and decided to embrace good donuts. (Sorry to all of you Krispy Kreme fans, Tim Hortons is really Totally AMAZING!) Not only are their donuts AWESOME so is their Hot Chocolate! I stocked up on it this summer when I visited but I ran out a couple months ago!
The above picture shows everything: 2 tins of Tim Hortons Hot Chocolate, a cool bowl, and a cup that she made and glazed. It's a really small cup, so it could be used for dipping sauce or even as a very small pot for a very small plant. Needless to say, the evidence definitely convicts my 'Lil Sis of being a LIAR!
There's not a whole lot that's been going on in the Grey household that others might find interesting or entertaining. Things are pretty quiet around here. Even our imaginary children and imaginary pets are quiet. But one thing that's not quiet is my mind. It's always going full steam ahead. It doesn't shut up, not even for a moment. Ok, maybe that's an exaggeration, but still it seems like I'm always thinking about cool stuff. Right now, I'm rather obsessed with apps. I really want Andy to make an app for my droid for my business, but apparently it costs a lot of money. This was news to me because so many of them are free! But, apparently you have to pay money to register them and to license them and so on and so forth and it ends up being $5,000 or more. So, Andy will not be making an app for my phone any time soon. Although he did make a program for my business for the computer! Thanks Honey! You're the BEST!So, since right now we don't have the money to actually make, register, and license apps I thought I'd add a few to my wish list - just in case anybody who does have the moola cares to make my dreams come true!Some of these may have already been done. I haven't looked for them all because often my droid and I have arguments about how he should work and which buttons should do what and he ends up getting turned off and put in my purse until I take him to Radio Shack for another lesson in Droid 101. Yes, my droid is a boy. And this is not because I'm always mad at him, but rather because he's black and wears a black case - nothing fancy. Once I can find a nice pink case that I like he will become a she. But for right now, he wears a black suit and bow tie.So, anyway, the app I'd most like to have right now is one that would help me find my car in a parking lot, or at least remind me where I parked.One evening around Christmas I thought of something super clever - I took a picture of where I parked at the mall. The only problem was you couldn't see very much in the background because it was a pretty gloomy evening and it really could have been anywhere in the parking lot.Thankfully, since I took the picture, I actually remembered where I'd parked and didn't even need help finding it because it was already filed in my memory!