Monday, August 13, 2012

What was that? Oh, it's just another Gym Rat!!!!!

Well, it's officially very worst nightmare - I've become a GYM RAT. I know that doesn't sound horrible. In fact, to some it might sound great. But, for me it means that I'm constantly pushing myself and I'll spend hours at the gym (mostly on the treadmill and elliptical) without even realizing it. I mean, I know that I definitely need to lose a lot of weight, but whenever I join a gym I become obsessed and I become a gym rat. I always promise myself that it won't happen "this time". But, it always does. I think I'm going to have to just set a time limit and stick to it. Today, I spent 2 1/2 hours at the gym. My goal today was 6 miles. Why 6 miles? Because I did some rough calculations and I figured out that on an average day when I lived in China I probably walked close to 6 miles and I lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time. I know my diet was also a great part of it and I'm slowly getting my diet in order. I've been doing Weight Watchers and have been doing pretty well at staying within my daily points allotment. I've been eating a lot more vegetables and fruits. I've even learned to like grapefruit and All Bran cereal. My next goal is to start doing the stair master because when I lived in China I had to go up 4 flights of stairs up and down to and from my apartment several times of day. In addition, my classes at the school where I taught were all staggered on different floors so sometimes I'd have to go from the 6th floor down to the 1st and back up to the 6th and everything in between. I'm sure that had a great bearing on my weight loss as well.

Here is a picture of my gym. 

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