Saturday, March 26, 2011


That's the highest my temperature has been today. Most people wouldn't even bat an eye at that, but to me it's a low-grade fever. My temperature is usually in the 96's. something range with occasional excursions in the 97's. But, anything above 97.5 is extremely rare. Even when I go to the doctor's office and I'm feeling super lousy it's almost always in the 97's. So, Andy and I have determined that I'm sick. I've been coughing since Thursday. Last night I hardly slept because I was coughing so much luckily Andy must have been so tired because he said I didn't keep him up. I would have gone out to the living room. But, we were staying at a hotel. Thursday I was just feeling somewhat crummy and I thought I was getting better by early Friday. So, I decided to attack the mold in our window sill (our apartment complex does not have double paned windows and it's been a very wet fall/winter/spring so I found mold a few weeks ago growing there and ordered a good mold cleaner and it finally came - it's the only time we've had any mold there in the 4 years we've lived here so, I figure that's pretty good). Anyway, I attacked the mold but I didn't realize how powerful the smell was going to be. I did it early in the afternoon and opened all the windows and put on the fans and tried to air it out, but still a few hours later it was making me sick and light headed, so I figured if it was doing that to me, it would be worse for Andy. So, we used a free-night's stay reward we had earned from one of our credit cards. Since it was last minute we couldn't get the best place, but even so, it was so much better than breathing in fumes all night. We returned today to a nice aired out apartment!

I always thought that the absolute worst part of being sick was when you can't breathe and you're all stuffed up. Well, I think I might have found something that rivals it - Losing your voice. I've completely lost mine. I've been close to losing it before but I've never completely lost it. I mean, I don't even squeak. So, I have to whisper. I've tried everything I can think of to bring it back and nothing's worked. So, finally as a last ditch effort, I looked online and one of the suggestions was to use a humidifier. So, I went out and bought one. Luckily, we had a $10 off coupon for Shop-Ko. That was sweet. But, Shop-Ko, didn't have the stuff vapor stuff that you put in it to help it work better. So, I had to go to Wal-Mart...on a Saturday! ACK! I came home exhausted. I'd go to bed, but even this afternoon when I took every kind of cold medicine with everything possible in it to knock me out I was only able to sleep for a short while. So, I don't want to go to bed until it's my more "usual bedtime" because I don't want to wake up every hour like I did last night.

Well, that's pretty much it for today. I just whispered over to Andy if he had anything to say for the blog today and he said "No."

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